Main menu - File - Move |
Activating the menu item "File → Move" or the shortcut "Shift+F6" moves all selected items without request (in contrast to the menu item "File → Move with dialog" or the shortcut "F6").
In the menu item "Tools → Settings → File/folder operations" can be defined under "Move" what program should run the move process. One of the following options can be selected there:
- Use Windows
If the moving process should be handled by Windows, the Windows standard move function is opened. - Use FreeCommander
FreeCommander's move function is described below. - Use external program
If the moving process should be handled by an external program, dialog and proceeding depend on this program, defined under "Move" in the menu item "Tools → Settings → File/folder operations".
Example for using two different move programs
Like described above, "Use FreeCommander" can be started with "File → Move" or the shortcut "Shift+F6".
To still allow to use the Windows move function (this may be useful/necessary, if administrator rights are required for the target folder) the function "Win-Move dialog" can be:
- added to a toolbar under the menu item "Tools → Customize toolbars..."
- and/or a shortcut can be defined for it under the menu item "Tools → Define keyboard shortcuts...".
Further copying methods
- Menu item "File → Move with dialog", shortcut "F6"
The menu item "File → Move with dialog" and the shortcut "F6" offer another moving method: moving with many different settings in a dialog. - Drag&drop with the right mouse button
If the option "Activate drag&drop in the file list" is checked in the tab "Drag&Drop" of the menu item "Tools → Settings → File/folder operations", moving with drag&drop with the right mouse button is enabled. After dragging the selected items with the right mouse button and dropping them, a pop up menu is shown. If the menu item "Move" is selected, the selected items are moved to the target where the cursor is dropped. - Dropping onto a folder name
The selected items are moved to this folder. - Dropping onto a file of the type "EXE"
The selected items are not moved. A pop up menu is shown with the options "Open with" (open the selected file with this "EXE") and "Cancel" (the action). - Dropping onto an other area in the panel
The selected items are moved to the active folder of the panel.
The drag&drop copy process is done with the Windows move function.
- Drag&Drop with the left mouse button
If the options "Activate drag&drop in the file list" is checked in the tab "Drag&Drop" of the menu item "Tools → Settings → File/folder operations", drag&drop with the left mouse button allows to move items (like described under "drag&drop with the right mouse button).
Moving using the FreeCommander move function
If "Use FreeCommander" is selected (under the menu item "Tools → Settings → File/folder operations" in the section "Move"), the FreeCommander move process is started after the activation of the menu item "File → move" or the shortcut "Shift+F6".
Target folder
The target folder, where all selected items (files and folders) are moved to, is always the folder in the inactive panel. If another target folder is desired, the FreeCommander move function "Move with dialog" has to be chosen.
Moving options
This moving function does not offer settings.
However, if during a move process with the FreeCommander function "File → Move with dialog" under the tab "Settings" the button "Save - Dialog options for operations without dialog" was activated, all settings (active at that moment) for the function "Move with dialog" are applied also to the moving processes activated with the menu item "File → Move" or the shortcut "Shift+F6".
Moving process
Immediately after activating the menu item "File → Move" or the shortcut "Shift+F6" the moving process for all items to be moved is started.
If the overwrite decision "Overwrite all" is selected in the dialog "Move" of the function "File → Move with dialog" and the button "Save - Dialog options for operations without dialog" was activated, during the first move with the function "Move → Copy" the following message is shown:
If the warning is answered with "No", the dialog "Move" of the menu item "File → Move with dialog" is shown and options may be changed.
If it is answered with "Yes", the moving process is started.
As soon as the moving process is started the following window "Move" is started. This window is only visible in the foreground, if several and/or big files are to be moved and the option "Auto minimize when starting the operation" is not checked.
The "Move" dialog and its modifications is visible only, if the option "Auto minimize when starting the operation" (in the tab "Settings") is not checked. The tab "Settings" is invisible during the copy process.
Clicking this option checks it and suspends the move process. Clicking it again unchecks the option and continues the move process.
After activating the button (during the copy process) the request "Do you really want to cancel the operation?" is shown. After confirming the request, the "Move" dialog is closed (without further move processes). Already completed moves remain.
Moving progress
The moving progress is visualized as follows:
- The message "x% moved" is shown in the title bar.
- A progress bar is shown below the item list.
Move status of the items
In the item list each item is preceded by an icon that shows the move status of the item:
Item not yet moved
Item moved successfully
An error has occurred during the move process of this item.
The item was not moved.
An error message is shown in the column "Error message" in the row of the item.The moving of this item was skipped.
The item was not copied.
The message bar shows the actually moved item.
The items are moved in the order in which they are listed in the tab "Files".
If the overwrite decision "Ask the user" is selected and a file with the same name (as the file to be moved) exists in the target folder, the dialog "Confirm overwrite" is shown, where the user may decide, how to handle the conflict.
In the dialog "Confirm overwrite" the user may decide, if a file should be overwritten in case of conflict.
This dialog is shown only, if the overwrite decision "Overwrite all" is not selected.
Confirm overwrite
Under "Confirm overwrite" the file to be overwritten is shown struck out including its path, size and modification date.
If the modification row is bold, this file is newer than the other file.
- Button
or key F2
Activating the buttonor the key F2 opens the following dialog:
If the option "Use only one field" is checked, name and extension of the target file can be edited in the field "New name".
If the option "Use only one field" is not checked, name and extension of the target file can be edited in two separate fields.
Activating the button "OK" executes the moving process - the target file is renamed and the file to be moved is moved.- Button
or the key F3
Activating the buttonor the key F3 shows the file in the viewer.
- Button
or the shortcut Alt+Enter
Activating the buttonor the shortcut Alt+Enter opens the properties window for the file.
Under "With" the file to be copied is shown including its path, size and modification date.
If the modification row is bold, this file is newer than the other file.
- Button
or key F2
Activating the buttonor the key F2 opens the following dialog:
If the option "Use only one field" is checked, name and extension of the target file can be edited in the field "New name".
If the option "Use only one field" is not checked, name and extension of the target file can be edited in two separate fields.
Activating the button "OK" executes the moving process - the target file is unchanged and the file to be moved is renamed and moved. - Button
or the key F3
Activating the buttonor the key F3 shows the file in the viewer.
- Button
or the shortcut Alt+Enter
Activating the buttonor the shortcut Alt+Enter opens the properties window for the file.
Activating the button "Overwrite", overwrites the file shown under "Confirm overwrite" with the file shown under "With".
Overwrite all
Activating the button "Overwrite all", overwrites all target files (with the same name like a file to be moved) without further confirmation.
Overwrite all older
Activating the button "Overwrite all older", overwrites all target files (with the same name like a file to be moved), if the modification date of the target file is before the modification date of the file to be moved (the file to be moved is newer). No further warnings are provided.
After activating the button "Skip", the file shown under "With" is not moved. The file shown under "Confirm overwrite" is not overwritten.
Skip all
After activating the button "Skip all", no more target file (with the same name like a file to be moved) is overwritten.
Activating the button "Cancel", cancels the moving process (of this and all further conflict files). Already completed moves remain (moves with no conflicts and moves of conflict files that were manually confirmed).
More options
Activating "More options" opens a pop up menu with the following additional options:
- Overwrite all smaller (Copy larger)
If this option is selected, all target files (with the same name like a file to be moved) are overwritten, if they are smaller than the files to be moved. - Auto rename target files
If this option is selected, all target files (with the same name like a file to be moved) are auto renamed first. Afterwards the "With" file is moved normally. Example: the file "FreeCommander.exe" is renamed to "FreeCommander(2).exe". If "FreeCommander(2).exe" already exists, the new file is named "FreeCommander(3).exe", etc.
- Auto rename copied files
If this option is selected, the files to be moved are moved renamed. In the "With" folder the name of the file does not change. In the target folder the original file will be unchanged. Example: the file "FreeCommander.exe" is renamed to "FreeCommander(2).exe". If "FreeCommander(2).exe" already exists, the new file is named "FreeCommander(3).exe", etc.