Overview of the user interface - Tab area with tabs

One "Tab area" per panel is provided. The tabs in the "tab area" enable fast switching between different folders.

After clicking a tab the contents of the folder assigned to the tab is opened (in the panel that contains the tab).

The position of the "tab area" in the main window is shown in chapter "Overview of the user interface".

Appearance, management and colors of the FreeCommander tabs can be configured under the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder Tabs", or after "right-clicking" a tab and selecting the menu item "Settings".

Buttons (icons) in the tab area


This icon is only shown (on the right end of the tab area (after the scroll buttons if shown)), if under the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder Tabs" the option "Shown tab menu pop-up button" is checked in the tab "Management".

After clicking this button a context menu is opened containing the tabs of the panel. After clicking a menu item this tab is activated and the contents of the assigned folder is shown.

If multiple tabs exist, the Ctrl+PgUp shortcut opens a filterable list of tabs. See menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder Tabs" tab management.

Button close tab

This icon is only shown (on the right end of the tab area), if under the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder Tabs" the option "Shown close button next to scroller" is checked in the tab "Management".

After clicking this button the active tab is closed.

If the option "Show close button on active tab" is checked in these settings the active tab can also be closed by clicking this button.

If the option "Close tab on double-click" is checked in these settings the active tab can also be closed by clicking this button.


These icons are only shown (on the right end of the tab area), if the width of the panel is not sufficient to show all tabs of the panel. After clicking one of these icons, the visible part of the tabs is moved one tab left or right.

Context menu for tabs

After "right-clicking" a tab the following context menu is shown:

New folder tab

After activating the menu item "New folder tab" a new tab is created. Its name and folder are copied from the active tab.

A new tab can also be created as follows:

  • The menu item "View → New folder tab" or the shortcut "Ctrl+T" insert a new tab in the active panel.
  • "Double-clicking" an empty space of the "Tab area" creates a new tab in the double-clicked panel.
  • "Clicking the mouse wheel" on a folder in a panel creates a new tab for this folder in this panel.
    "Ctrl+Clicking the mouse wheel" opens the tab in the other panel.

Recently closed tabs

After activating the menu item "Recently closed tabs" a sub-menu with the names of tabs (closed in this FreeCommander session) is opened.

After clicking a name the closed tab is reopened. The shortcut "Shift+Ctrl+T" reopens the last closed tab.

New file container tab

After activating the menu item "New file container tab" a new file container tab and with it a new file container are created. See also "View → New file container tab".

Definition and management of file containers are described in chapter "File container".

File containers

Definition and management of file containers are described in chapter "File container".

After activating the menu item "File containers" a sub-menu with the following menu items is opened:

  • Go to the file containers folder
    After activating this menu item the folder where the file containers are saved is opened in the active tab. This folder can be defined under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "File Container Tab".
  • Add items to container ...
    After activating this menu item (from a file container tab) all items of an other file container (selected with the standard dialog "Open") are added.
  • Remove from container
    After activating this menu item (from a file container tab) all items, marked in this file container, are removed from the file container.
  • Save container to file ...
    After activating this menu item (from a file container tab) this file container is saved (after input of the file name) to a file with the file extension "FFC". The folder where the file containers are saved can be defined under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "File Container Tab". Another setting under this main menu item allows to define whether these temporary file containers are deleted on closing FreeCommander or not.

The main menu item "File → Copy" allows to copy items (marked in the active panel) to a file container.


The edit functions of the main menu item "File" for a file container item always are applied to the original item additionally.


"File → Delete" does not only remove the item from the file container, but additionally deletes the original item.

"File → Move" does not only remove the item from the file container, but additionally moves it from its original path to the path in the inactive file panel.

Tab groups

Tabs can be grouped. 

After activating the menu item "Tab groups" a sub-menu with the following menu items is opened:

  • Save tab groups...
    After activating this sub-menu item the following dialog is opened:

    This dialog allows to create a new tab group or to edit an existing group.
    • Group name
      Overwriting the content of the field Group name allows to create and edit a new group. By clicking an other existing group can be selected for editing.
    • Which tabs are stored in the group
      It is possible to select whether the tabs of the active panel, or of the inactive panel, or of both panels are stored in the group.
      If use left/right panel is checked, it can be selected that instead the tabs of the left/top panel,or the right/bottom panel, or of both panels are stored.
  • Load tab group ...
    After activating this sub-menu item the following dialog is opened:

    Clicking the button OK, loads the tab group shown in the field group name. By clicking an other existing group can be selected for loading.
    If the tabs of both panels should be loaded and if a decision dialog is opened is defined in the definition of the group is displayed here for information.
    What happens to the currently active tabs, if the group is loaded, can be defined in the sub-menu item Tab groups edit.
  • Tab groups edit...
    After activating this sub-menu item the following dialog is opened:

    All defined groups are listed.
    After clicking the corresponding icon the highlighted tab group can be renamed, deleted, or moved down or up in the list. 
    The names of the tabs of the highlighted group in the active and in the inactive panels are shown.
    What happens to the currently active tabs when the highlighted group is loaded. There are 4 options:
    • Close all current tabs
    • Close all not locked tabs
    • Keep all tabs
    • Ask when the group is loaded, what should happen to the current tabs

Clicking the button Apply loads the highlighted group.

  • One sub-menu item per tab group
    Clicking a listed tab group opens this group.

Tab properties

After activating this menu item the dialog "Tab Properties" is opened, where the following properties of the tab (from which the context menu was opened) can be defined:

  • Tab name
    The input field "Tab name"allows to define a tab name. The field is initially empty.
  • Use %FcSrcDrive% for saving path
    If this option is checked, FreeCommander saves the path of the active folder in the tab (if possible) with the parameter %FcSrcDrive%.
    Example: If FreeCommander is installed in "d:\tools\freecommander", a tab with this folder is saved as "%FcSrcDrive%\tools\freecommander".
    This makes sense, if FreeCommander is started (from a USB-stick) on different PCs.
  • Icon
    Tab icons are displayed, if the option "Show icons" is checked under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "Tab General".
    To define a tab icon, a file has to be chosen first. The file can either be edited in the input field file, or selected by clicking . Three menu items are available: variables for using relative paths: start drive (%FcSrcDrive%) and start folder (%FcSrcPath%) and the selection of a file in the dialog. Either a graphic file or an .exe file (for example FreeCommander.exe), or a .dll can be selected. If a .exe or .dll are chosen, one of its icons can be selected in the field icon.
  • Locking
    If one of the three locking options is checked, the path of the folder (shown in the field "Locked path") is locked.
    Under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "Tab management" option "Reset locked tab path on tab change" can be checked, that on activating a tab with locked path, always the path (shown in the field "Locked path") is opened, independent from the last opened folder, and how locked tabs are marked (option "Mark locked tabs with that character").
    If and how navigation is enabled in a locked path, depends on the checked lock type:
    • Lock - navigation enabled
      The tab is locked, any navigation is allowed.
    • Lock - navigation to subfolders
      The tab is locked, only navigation to the sub-folders is allowed.
    • Lock - no navigation
      The tab is locked, no navigation is allowed

If navigation to a folder is tried (illicitly) this folder is opened in an other tab.
Deleting a locked tab has to be confirmed first.
Double-clicking a locked tab opens the "Locked path" in this tab.

    • Use as base folder for the tree
      This setting can be checked, only if the locking option "Lock - navigation to subfolders" is checked. If the option "Use as base folder for the tree" is checked and the "File system tree panel" is open, the folder tree starts with the folder opened in this tab.
  • Color
    After clicking the corresponding button the following colors can be defined for the tab:
    • Font color
    • Color for the start of the background gradient
    • Color for the end of the background gradient
    • Remove all colors
      Clicking the button removes all colors individually set for this tab.

Here defined colors for an individual tab have priority over the general colors for tabs, defined under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "Tab Colors".

    • Always use the colors - for active tab too
      If individual colors are set for this tab and this option is checked, the highlighting color for active tabs (set under "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "Tab Colors") is not applied for this tab.

Lock folder tab

Clicking this menu item activates/deactivates this lock type. The activated lock type is symbolized by the icon in front of the menu item. It is described under "Tab properties".

Lock folder tab - navigation to sub-folders

Clicking this menu item activates/deactivates this lock type. The activated lock type is symbolized by the icon in front of the menu item. It is described under "Tab properties".

Lock folder tab - no navigation

Clicking this menu item activates/deactivates this lock type. The activated lock type is symbolized by the icon in front of the menu item. It is described under "Tab properties".

Go to locked path

This menu item is visible only, if a lock is set for the active tab. If navigation is allowed for this tab and done into another path, clicking this menu item opens the initial path in the active tab.

Double-clicking a locked tab also opens the initial path.

Switch locked folder to current

This menu item is visible only, if a lock is set for the active tab. If navigation is allowed for this tab and done into another path, clicking this menu item replaces the initial tab path with the current path.

Copy tab to other panel

After activating this menu item, the tab (the context menu was opened from) is copied to the other panel. A tab can be copied also to the other panel with drag&drop.

Move tab to other panel

After activating this menu item, the tab (the context menu was opened from) is moved to the other panel.

Folder tab to left

After activating this menu item, the tab (the context menu was opened from) is moved one tab position to the left. A tab can be shifted to any position with drag&drop also.

Folder tab to right

After activating this menu item, the tab (the context menu was opened from) is moved one tab position to the right. A tab can be shifted to any position with drag&drop also.

Sort tabs in ascending order

After activating this menu item, the open tabs are sorted in alphabetical ascending order. Which part of the tab title is used for sorting can be defined in the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "General" in the sector "Use for sorting".

Sort tabs in descending order

After activating this menu item, the open tabs are sorted in alphabetical descending order. Which part of the tab title is used for sorting can be defined in the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "General" in the sector "Use for sorting".

Close folder tab

After activating this menu item, the tab (the context menu was opened from) is deleted.

If defined under the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" in the tab "Tab Management", the active tab can be deleted also by clicking the button "" (on the right end of the tab area, or at the end of the tab itself).

Close all tabs with confirmation

After activating this menu item, before deleting all tabs a dialog is opened,  where two closing options are provided:

  • Close locked tabs too
    The option is shown only if locked tabs are used. If this option is checked, locked tabs are closed also.
  • Apply for both panels
    If this option is checked, the tabs are closed in both panels.

After confirmation of the settings with "OK" all tabs are closed, according to the settings in the dialog.

If the option "Always keep one tab open" (main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" - tab "Tab Management") is checked, one tab (per panel) always stays.

Close all folder tabs

After activating this menu item, all tabs of the panel (the context menu was opened from) that are not locked are deleted.

If the option "Always keep one tab open" (main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" - tab "Tab Management") is checked, one tab always stays.

Close all tabs in both panels

After activating this menu item, all tabs in both panels that are not locked are deleted.

If the option "Always keep one tab open" (main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs" - tab "Tab Management") is checked, one tab (per panel) always stays.

Close duplicate tabs

After activating this menu item, all tabs of the panel (the context menu was opened from) are deleted, so that there remains only one tab per path.


After activating this menu item the general settings for folder tabs are opened. The editing of these settings can be started also from the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Folder tabs".