Main menu - View - Show |
If the cursor if over the main menu item "View → Show" a sub menu with the following menu items is opened:
Show/hide files tooltip
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated (checked) and the cursor is over a file or folder, information about this item is shown as tooltip. This option can also be defined in the tab "General" of the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → File/folder list".
Show/hide folders
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated the file/folder list also shows folders. This option can also be defined in the tab "General" of the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → File/folder list".
Show hidden items
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated (checked), also files with the "hidden" attribute are shown. This option can also be defined in the tab "General" of the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → File/folder list".
Show system items
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated (checked), also files with the "system" attribute are shown. This option can also be defined in the tab "General" of the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → File/folder list".
Show command line
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated (checked), a line is shown at the bottom of FreeCommander's window with an input field for DOS commands on the right. The DOS command is executed (after activating the "ENTER" key) in a command prompt window. This option can also be defined under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → DOS prompt".
Show functions bar
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated (checked), a bar (containing the functions assigned to it) is shown as the lowermost row of the FreeCommander window. This option can also be defined under the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Function key bar", where also functions can be assigned to the functions bar.
Show toolbars
Clicking this menu item activates it (it is preceded by ) or deactivates it. If this menu item is activated (checked), all toolbars are visible. If you want hide all toolbars - deactivate this option. The state of this option is not saved on program closing.
Show/hide column headers
Clicking the menu item "View → Show → Show/hide column headers" or activating the keyboard shortcut "Shift+Ctrl+H" shows respectively hides the column headers.