Tools - Settings - FTP/SFTP

Under "Tools → Settings → FTP" general settings valid for all FTP/SFTP connections can be defined.

Settings of an individual FTP-connection are described in "SFTP/FTP → FTP connection properties".

Settings of an individual SFTP-connection are described in "SFTP/FTP → SFTP connection properties".


  • Save protocol file
    If this setting is checked, FTP connection protocols are stored in the specified file.
  • List files in protocol (slow)
    If this setting is checked, all items (files and sub-folders) are listed in the FTP connection protocol.
    Warning: This option may significantly slow down the performance of the FTP connection.
  • Show file attributes as number
    If this setting is checked, the attributes of the highlighted item are shown in the status bar as number. Otherwise as letters.
  • Password for anonymous login (email address)
    The email address defined here as password for anonymous FTP connects does not have to exist.
  • Show warning if size of opened for is bigger than (0 - no limit)
    If files are opened that are larger then the value defined in kB here, a warning is shown.
    If a value of 0 kB is defined, no warning is shown.
  • Button "Define"
    Activating the button "Define" opens the window "FTP connection properties".
    The settings defined after activating this button are used as default settings for new FTP connections added later.


SFTP offers a public key authentication. This authentication is a combination of private and public key and therefore substantially more secure than passwords. See SFTP.

These keys are delivered in .ppk files.

The dialog in this tab allows to manage authentication keys for SFTP connections

  • Keys storage type
    Storage location for the files containing authentication keys. Offered are:
    • File
      The keys are stored in files in the path defined below.
    • Registry
      The keys are stored in the Registry.

The user can decide individually which keys should be stored in files and which in the registry.

  • Path
    The path were the files are saved, if the "Key storage type" "File" is selected.
  • List of key names
    If the "Key storage type" "File" is selected, a list of files stored in the "Path" is shown, otherwise a list of files stored in the registry.
    Activating the button allows to select a .ppk file containing a key. This .ppk file is added to the list and stored in the path or registry, depending on the selected "Key storage type".