Tools - Settings - Programs - |
Under "Tools → Settings → Programs" in the tab "Compare files", the user may define programs for comparing two text files, depending on their file extension.
Assignment of filters and programs (compare files)
Different file extensions (in the column "filter") may be assigned to different file comparison programs (in the column "programs").
In the above example, all files are assigned to the program "PSPad.exe".
Calling the text file comparison
The menu item "File → Compare files..." or the hotkey "Ctrl+Alt+V" compares two selected text files. These two files may be located in the same panel or in two different panels.
If two or more text files are selected in the active panel, the first two files will be compared: %FileCompare1% will be replaced with the path of the first file, and %FileCompare2% with the path of the second file.
If there is only one file selected in the active panel, %FileCompare1% will be replaced with the path of the selected file in the left panel, and %FileCompare2% with the path of the selected file in the right panel.
Editing the list of programs and their filters
The following buttons and shortcuts are available for editing the list of file comparison programs:
- (Insert): add new row
- (F2): edit the filter in the highlighted row
- (Ctrl+Del): delete the highlighted row
- (Ctrl+↑): move the highlighted row up
- (Ctrl+↓): move the highlighted row down
The input box "program" specifies, for the highlighted row, the program which should compare the two files selected in the active file panel.
The program can either be edited in the input box "program", or selected by clicking . The following menu items are available:
- seeking a program via the dialog open
- the start drive (%FcSrcDrive%) of FreeCommander
- the start folder (%FcSrcPath%) of FreeCommander
The input box "parameters" specifies any parameters required for the program in the highlighted row.
The parameters can either be edited in the input box "parameters", or selected by clicking . The following menu items are available:
- 1. File to compare (%FileCompare1%): the first file to be compared
- 2. File to compare (%FileCompare2%): the second file to be compared