Tools - Settings - Compare folders

Under "Tools → Settings → Compare folders" the user may define criteria for comparing the content of the folder in the left panel with the content of the folder in the right panel.

The comparison can be activated with the menu item "Folder → Compare..." or the hotkey "Alt+V".

This function does not compare the contents of files.


If this setting and at least one setting for files are checked, files are compared.

File name

If this setting is checked, files with different names are assumed to be different. This option is available only if the setting "Files" is checked.

Ignore extension

If this setting is checked, when comparing files, the file extensions are ignored. This option is available only if the setting "Files" is checked.

File size

If this setting is checked, files with the same name are compared by their file size. If their file size is different, the files will be assumed to be different.

This option is available only if the setting "Files" is checked.

Date of last change

If this setting is checked, files with the same name are compared by the timestamps (date and time) of their last change. If the timestamps of their last change are different, the files will be assumed to be different.

This option is available only if the setting "Files" is checked.

Same content (MD5 sum)

If this setting is checked, only files with same MD5-checksums are considered identical, This option is available only if the setting "Files" is checked.


If this setting and at least one setting for folders are checked, folders are compared.

Folder name

If the setting folder is checked, the setting folder name is checked automatically and therefore folders with different names will be assumed to be different.

Folder size

If this setting is checked, folders with the same name are compared by their folder size. If their folder size is different, the folders will be assumed to be different.

This option works correctly only if the folder size is displayed in both panels (menu item "Folder → Size of folders" or the hotkey "Alt+F9").

This option is available only if the setting "Folders" is checked.

Date of last change

If this setting is checked, folders with the same name are compared by the timestamps (date and time) of their last change. If the timestamps of their last change are different, the folders will be assumed to be different. This option is available only if the setting "Folders" is checked.

Select items


If this setting is checked, only items are shown, that exist only in one panel.

Select only newer items

If "Different" and "Select only newer items" are checked, additionally items are displayed, that are newer in this panel, as the same (older) items in the other panel.


If this setting is checked, only items are shown, that exist in both panels

2 sec. difference ignore

If this setting is checked, the comparison of the timestamps (date and time) of the last change to files and folders will ignore a time difference of two seconds or less (this is important for the comparison of NTFS and FAT hard disks).

Ignore diacritical marks

If this setting is checked, diacritical marks are ignored, Example: "a" is equal to "á", "ä", "à", "â", "å", "ă".

Show only selected items

If this setting is checked, only items selected by the comparison are shown. To show all items again, activate the menu item "View → Only selected items" or the hotkey "Ctrl+S".

Reload both lists before compare

If this setting is checked, the lists in both panels will be refreshed before the comparison.

Show dialog with options

If this setting is checked, the settings screen "Compare folders" pops up after the menu item "Folder → Compare..." or the hotkey "Alt+V" are activated. This allows the settings to be changed before the comparison.