Main menu - View - List

Activating the main menu item "View → List" or the shortcut "Ctrl+F1" shows the items (file names with extensions and folder names) of the active folder in the active panel in several columns:

The icon preceding this menu item changes from to .

Settings for this view type (icon size and column width) can be defined under the tab "General" of the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View →  File/folder list".

"List" is the quickest view type, because no file/folder specific information has to be extracted. But it offers no details.

Activating the shortcut "Shift+F1" from the active view type "List" opens a menu with switching options to other view types:

  • List
  • Details
  • Thumbnails
  • Column profiles
    with the sub menu items: Profile settings... and one item per column profile, defined under the tab Column profiles in the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Column profiles/Automatic views".
  • Automatic views
    • Add current view specific to folder
      After naming the new automatic view, it is added to the list of automatic views, specific to the current view.
    • Profile settings
      Opens the dialog of the tab automatic views of the main menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Column profiles/Automatic views".

Scrolling with the mouse wheel:

  • in the view type "List" scrolls to the right or to the left
  • in the view type "Small icons" scrolls up or down.