Tools - Settings - File/folder operations - Tab Operations Queue |
If several file/folder operations are to be started, it makes sense, particularly when copying/moving larger files, to execute these operations one after another in an operations queue and not parallel.
Under the tab "Operations queue" the following settings can be defined for processing file/folder operations via an operations queue:
The following operations queue settings are active, only if the option "use FreeCommander" is selected in the tab "General".
Open queue dialog minimized
If this option is checked, the operation queue dialog is opened minimized.
If it is not checked, the dialog is opened normally.
If the option "Queue status bar visible" is checked, the queue dialog is always opened minimized.
Queue status bar visible
If this option is checked, the queue status bar is shown. The bar position is defined in the option "Show queue bar directly below the status bar". See "Overview of the user interface".
Under which conditions it is displayed can be defined here:
- Always
If this option is selected, the queue status bar is always shown - Only, if any operation exists
If this option is selected, the queue status bar is shown only, if the queue contains at least one operation
Make queue button as default in the operation dialog
If this option is checked, the queue button is the default button in the File/folder operations dialogs.
Use color and font from status bar settings
If this option is checked, the queue status bar uses colors and fonts defined for the status bar.
Show queue bar directly below the status bar
If this option is checked, the queue status bar is displayed directly below the status bar. See "Overview of the user interface".
If this option is not checked, the queue status bar is displayed in the lowest line.