Main menu - Favorites - Favorites-edit...

Activating the main menu item "Favorites → Favorites-edit" or the shortcut "Shift+Ctrl+F" opens the dialog "Favorite items", where  favorites trees can be defined.

The selection box "Favorites-Sets"

that allows to select a favorites tree. The selection box title is Tree name + " (Set)"

Editing the favorites tree

The following functions (buttons) are offered to edit the favorites tree, selected in the selection box "Favorites-Sets":

  • Define favorites-sets        

After activating this button the window "Favorites-Sets" is opened, where:

    • : new favorite trees (sets) can be defined
    • : the current name of the highlighted favorites tree can be edited
    • : the highlighted favorites tree can be deleted
    • : moves the highlighted favorites tree one row up
    • : moves the highlighted favorites tree one row down
  • Add new tree item

Clicking the button opens a menu where the type of the new tree item can be selected

    • Category
      After clicking this menu item a new row (category) is added to the favorites tree within the active category. The new row contains an edit field preceded by . The edit field shows the (editable) default category name "New category".
    • Folder

After clicking this menu item a new row (favorite folder) is added to the favorites tree within the active category. The new row contains an edit field preceded by . The edit field shows the (editable) name of the current folder in the active panel as favorite folder name.

    • File

After clicking this menu item a new row (file) is added to the favorites tree within the active category. The new row contains an edit field preceded by . The edit field shows the (editable) name of the current folder in the active panel as favorite file name.

  • Rename
    Clicking the button opens an editor in the highlighted row, where the current name of the favorites tree item can be edited.
  • Delete
    Clicking the button deletes the highlighted tree item (and all hierarchically subordinated tree items). Warning: if the header "Favorite items" is highlighted and "Delete" is clicked, all tree items are deleted.
  • Move up
    Clicking the button moves the highlighted tree item one row up.
  • Move down
    Clicking the button moves the highlighted tree item one row down.


After clicking the combo box "Hotkey" a selection list with favorite shortcuts is opened. If a favorite shortcut is assigned to a favorite, the favorite (tree types "folder" and "file") can be opened in the FreeCommander main window by typing this shortcut.

20 favorite shortcuts can be selected (plus and empty row, when it is selected no shortcut is assigned to the favorite). Shortcuts can be assigned to the favorite shortcuts 1 to 20 in the group "Favorites" of the main menu item "Tools → Define keyboard shortcuts...".

Use left/right panel

If this option is checked, the followings settings are not applied to the active panel and the inactive panel, but to the left panel and the right panel.

Tree item colors

Clicking the button opens a sub menu where the colors of the highlighted tree item can be set.

  • Font:                the font color of the highlighted tree item.
  • Background:        the background color of the highlighted tree item.

Clicking the button resets font color and background color of the highlighted tree item to standard.

Active panel

In the field "Active panel" can be defined which folder is opened in the active panel, if the favorite (highlighted in the favorites tree) is activated. If the field is empty, activating the favorite causes no action, not even if, the field "Inactive panel" contains a folder.

The following methods are offered per highlighted tree item type to edit the field "Active panel":

  • Tree item types "header" and "category"
    The field "Active panel" is not active.
  • Tree item type "folder"
    The folder name can be type including the complete path.
    A folder can be selected after clicking the button , to overwrite the current field contents. For this purpose the standard dialog "Browse for folder" is opened in the window "Favorite folder - active panel." The current field contents (folder) is highlighted.
  • Tree item type "file"

The file name can be type including the complete path.

A file can be selected after clicking the button , to overwrite the current field contents. For this purpose the standard dialog "Open" is opened.

Inactive panel

In the field "Inactive panel" can be defined which folder is opened in the inactive panel, if the favorite (highlighted in the favorites tree) is activated.

The following methods are offered per highlighted tree item type to edit the field "Inactive panel":

  • Tree item types "header" and "category"
    The field "Inactive panel" is not active.
  • Tree item types "folder" and "file"
    The folder name can be type including the complete path.
    A folder can be selected after clicking the button , to overwrite the current field contents. For this purpose the standard dialog "Browse for folder" is opened in the window "Favorite folder - inactive panel." The current field contents (folder) is highlighted.

Sort on

For the active (or left) panel and the inactive (or right panel) panel a sorting can be defined separately.

  • Selection box "Sort on:"
    After clicking the selection box, a column can be selected by which the items of the panel are sorted.
  • Sort order
    If a sort column is selected, the items of the panel are sorted ascending by this column, if the button is highlighted.
    To sort descending by this column, the button has to be highlighted by clicking it.


For the active (or left) panel and the inactive (or right panel) panel a view type can be defined separately.

After clicking the selection box, one of the following view types can be chosen:

  • List
  • Details
  • Thumbnails

Open in

It can be selected, whether the folders to be opened, should be opened in the active tab or in a new tab.