OneDrive links

This chapter describes FreeCommanders connection to OneDrive.

What is OneDrive

OneDrive is a file hosting (cloud) service operated by Microsoft. It enables registered users to store and protect their files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere on all their devices.

FreeCommander columns for OneDrive

OneDrive folders and files are shown like normal items in FreeCommander.

For the visualization of the OneDrive status there are (only in the 64bit version of FreeCommander) two separate columns: "OneDrive status" and "Availability status".

How to use these columns in FreeCommander


  • Create a new column profile using the tab "Column profiles" of the menu item "Tools → Settings → View → Column profiles/Automatic views", e.g. named OneDrive.
  • Select the new column profile (e.g. OneDrive). Open the profile column list, using the button , add the column "OneDrive status" and the windows column "Availability status" (the availability of the OneDrive item) and save the new columns with the "OK" button.
  • Select the new column profile (e.g. OneDrive). Activate the button , select the condition "All subfolders <sub>" and enter the OneDrive path in the folder path mask, e.g. C:\Users\xxxxxx\OneDrive; C:\Users\xxxxxx\OneDrive\*.
  • Move the new column profile to the top of the profile list and save the settings dialog with the "OK" button.

Please check the forum for more info. 

The file FreeCommander.onedrive.ini

The file FreeCommander.onedrive.ini has to contain a section for the desired windows language.

The defined text must be exactly the same as in the column "Availability status", otherwise the icon will not be shown in the column "OneDrive status".

If multiple texts are possible for a status, use the separator | in the line definition.





1=Available when online

2=Available on this device

3=Keep on this device|Always available on this device


5=Sync Pending


1=Verfügbar, wenn online

2=Auf diesem Gerät verfügbar

3=Immer auf diesem Gerät verfügbar

4=Ausgeschlossen (nicht synchronisiert)

5=Synchronisierung ausstehend