Here are some humble suggestions about how to improve user experience with the Search feature [that shows up after pressing CTRL+F]:
#1] Make it possible to turn on and off columns used by window with search results. Not everybody needs / wants to see info about e.g. Attributes
#2] Make it possible to re-arrange order of those columns. Currently user is unable to adjust their order in any way
#3] Make it possible to store and load up profiles of columns for this feature. Currently there is a Profiles tab but it applies changes to options with tabs - and I think settings for columns should be stored as some other profiles
#4] Although the user is able to choose for the Search window under its
Options > Size
4 options, the column of Size informs users of what units are utilized by it only when what has been chosen is the
Options > Size > Auto size (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB)
option. And although using logic and own memory it is possible to distinct units after switching to using 1 of the remaining 3 options, for convenience reasons users should not be subjected to testing of their cognitive abilities. So either add designations to all digits when using any of those 3 options shown still in that one Size column - or reserve showing Size column only for that 1 particular option of Auto size (KB, MB, GB, TB, PB) and automatically switch to showing new / separate column, each with the unit it would utilize being shown in its header
#5] When user switches between settings available under
Options > Size
the changes coming out from this move are applied only to newly re-generated positions in the Size column i.e. in order to see items presented to user with that newly chosen option user has to scroll the list with those found results up or down to the point of hiding of all items that were listed before a switch was performed. In other words: it as a little annoying bug that gets fixed when user performs manually a refresh-like action
#6] Option for switching view from default one to the view with hidden tabs is hard to perform - because the line that needs to be clicked is just few pixels high. This option should be made available also as an icon either as the first or the last one in the line with the already always visible 13 icons located just above the list with results and just below the Search results and Search log tabs; and also additionally in the Options menu so that when user would be in the Search log tab then there would be another way of switching the view back [because the row with icons is present when using only the Search results tab
#7] The list with results in its default mode of view is utilizing only ~60% of vertical space of the overall Search window due to how much lines with various option take in the Location tab. In order to make the list longer [and thus present more results on a single screen] I propose to:
#7A] Use only 1 line for the File name section. Although filtering expressions can be very long, I personally in my FreeCommander on a 3840 x 1600 screen have a ridiculous situation where its box is extremely wide despite me never using Regular expressions [as I am not that of an advanced user] - and the tick box for them is followed by nothing more but by its name and an empty space, thus wasting a whole precious line just for them
#7B] Use just 1 line for all of the Search file content section. If I am not mistaken then the longest name of an encoding page in the default English version has merely 35 characters - and thus there is no need for the Encode drop list to take almost all of the horizontal space [short of what Exclude files containing the text option takes up plus some wasted space on the right sided of that box with encodings]
#7C] Use also 1 line for all of the Search in section. I understand the logic behind a very long box for Folders [because paths containing multiple sub-folders can be extremely long], but currently this section also steals 3 lines for its options while at the same time having a completely empty middle section
#7D] Adjust slightly other tabs in a similar matter as described in above sub-points to follow suit of the reworked shorter height of the Location tab
Search feature window could use some adjustments and fixes
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