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Can't copy to ..

Posted: 02.03.2010, 11:41
by plino
I know most people don't even know what .. is, but I'm an "old school" PC user and when copying files using the keyboard it's faster to type ..

This works in other file managers, so I assume it's a bug... It can equally be considered a feature request ;)

Re: Can't copy to ..

Posted: 02.03.2010, 21:29
by Dreamer
I know what ".." is, but I still don't understand what do you mean, could you explain it please?

Re: Can't copy to ..

Posted: 03.03.2010, 06:48
by joby_toss
Do the following keys combinations work:
Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, F5, F6, F7, Sift+F7 ?

Re: Can't copy to ..

Posted: 05.03.2010, 01:20
by Dreamer
Sorry, but still no idea what do you want.

To be able to paste the file to .. item, so that it would be pasted to 'upper' folder?